FEATURED CATEGORY: Baking & Pancake Mixes
July 2020
The baking category as a whole has seen growth of $122 million (16.5%) in the past 52 weeks (Source: SPINs Data, Northeast US Region, week ending 5.17.20).
Baking & Pancake Mixes account for $33 million of that growth, with most of it coming from Baking Ingredients and Flour. There are some definite trends in Natural & Specialty within mixes, especially with the recent surge in quarantine baking, that we can see from the data. Below you can see the top 10 mixes and their growth year over year.
Natural & Specialty
Diet and health focused brands are emerging with gluten-free mixes (Glutino), keto and paleo friendly options – as well as recognizable ingredient lists. Specific brands like Kodiak Cakes are continuing to grow and expand their flavors here as consumers dive into “protein pancakes”. Other emerging and growing brands in the baking category like Lakanto – have developed mixes that include their notorious ingredient – monk fruit. Monk Fruit and other sugar and low calorie sweetener alternatives like Stevia are growing in demand.